
Are you a real foodie? Always searching for those extraordinary taste experiences of perfectly composed combinations of exquisite ingredients? FoodieBird will make your tastebuds explode!

359 € / month

FoodieBird meals are composed by Birds Foodie-team consisting of Michelin Star chefs, the highest decorated chefs in the culinary world.


FoodieBird delivers food that is 100% natural, vegan, free from gluten, dairy, soy and additives, no GMO, and certified organic. The ingredients will vary from week to week and accommodate your body type. You can view the ingredients of the meals of the week on your Bird app.

Ectomorph*: 25% protein, 55% carbs, and 20% fat
Mesomorph*: 30% protein, 40% carbs, and 30% fat
Endomorph*: 35% protein, 25% carbs, and 40% fat

*Refers to body type, take the quiz here.